Elizabeth Cho

Software Engineer // Graphic Designer // Digital Artist

Technical Skills

I am currently an undergraduate at Johns Hopkins University majoring in biomedical engineering, computer science, and applied mathematics and statistics.

Software Development/Languages

Java // C++ // C // HTML // CSS // JavaScript // Python // Git // MySQL // AWS // MATLAB // R // Assembly // Wordpress

Art/Graphic Design/Media

FireAlpaca // Krita // Canva // Adobe Illustrator // Adobe Photoshop // Adobe Premiere Pro // Adobe After Effects // Adobe InDesign // Audacity // Mixcraft 8

Relevant Coursework (Chronological Order) - Completed through Fall 2020

Biomedical Engineering

Modeling and Design // Molecules and Cells // Statistical Physics // Linear Signals and Systems // Biological Models and Simulations // Systems and Controls // Systems Biology // Nonlinear Dynamics // Biomedical Data Science // Computational Medicine: Cardiology

Computer Science

Intermediate Programming // Data Structures // Computer System Fundamentals // Automata and Computation Theory // Intro Algorithms // Artificial Intelligence // Computer Ethics

Applied Math

Calculus III // Discrete Math // Linear Algebra // Differential Equations // Combinatorial Analysis // Intro to Probability // Intro to Statistics // Intro to Optimization


Killer Design: Maximizing Safety in the Design Process // Professional Communications


I have worked on several software engineering and web development projects since I learned how to code in high school.

Southwest Flight Check-in Bot

Languages: Python

This was a bot I created to help me check into my flights. It clicks.

Parsy.io Landing Page

Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Parsy.io is a startup that helps students during the semester by automatically plugging assignment due dates, exams, and office hours by parsing through course syllabi. I designed and implemented the landing page, which included smooth scrolling and a signup for email subscriptions.

Get in the Frame

Languages: HTML, CSS

This project was my team's submission for the Spring 2019 HopHacks event. The purpose of web application is to provide real time feedback on taekwondo punches. I worked on the front end of the app, which also included the icon and banner.

Personal Website

Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

This site is designed to be a digital portfolio of both my technical projects and my graphic design/artwork. The first versions of the site were made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, but the current version uses just HTML and CSS.

Choose Your Own Adventure Game Demo

Languages: Java

This game demo was a part of my senior capstone project in high school. While the demo did not show off the complete storyline, it did demonstrate some of the key features, including dialogue, background switching, and story/dialogue branching. I also designed most of the visual assets of the game.

Information Medical Database Collection

Languages: Java

This was a proof of concept of a solution that automates triage to address emergency room overcrowding made for an AP Biology final project.

Art/Design Portfolio

On campus, I do graphic design for HopHacks and MedHacks, but I also do art in my free time.

HopHacks (May 2019 - Present)

Google Drive Link

Projects: Event flyers, banners, and Facebook frames, front end assets

MedHacks (Feb 2020 - Present)

Google Drive Link

Projects: Designing and animated event mascots, animated site splash page, social media assets/posts

Hopkins Sport Taekwondo

Google Drive Link

Projects: Club mascot design (Tae the Tiger)

Miscellaneous Art

Google Drive Link

Projects: Character designs, phone and desktop wallpapers, design contest submissions